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Advanced Dentistry in Richmond VA

With an advanced certification program, you can further your career in Advanced Dentistry in Richmond VA. With this degree, you will be able to offer the best and most up-to-date services to patients.  Capital Dental Design Dentists are highly skilled professionals who help patients through regular dental care, based on various methods. In the past, dentists offered routine services such as tooth extraction, scaling, and cleaning. But as technology evolved, dentists now use advanced methods such as tooth bonding, tooth shaping, and the replacement of decayed teeth.  Official Site Advancement in technology has made it possible for dentists to offer treatment and solutions that were once only available to advanced practitioners. The advancement in technology makes it possible for patients to have their teeth whitened, or veneers applied to their teeth. Using lasers and dental drills, the problem areas are treated, and results are marked. Laser treatment is often used to reduce t...